Thursday, January 18, 2007

An Introduction

This afternoon, I went to Lim Kok Wing University College for discussing the syllibus of Building Science....Ya Allah...I am the leader of a group of two others lecturer, teaching 60's a nice of Siva (the program leader) to brief me all the scope of works......So, I took one file back home to study a bit on the subject which for the third year ( lighting n acoustic)...........
Then, I met Ms Zatur.....I believe she's one of d important person in LKW.......briefing me lak on other three subjects......the environment quite messy.....coz, they just finished with d students's registration.....( ade lak yang tgh merayu ngan lecurer ....why design failed and so on.......)
I don't know yet my seems that i ll get one cubical........

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